Workshop Healing for animals & Communication with Animals 2024

Milujete zvířata? Pak tento workshop je přesně pro vás. 

Prohlubte vztah se svým zvířecím miláčkem s pomocí léčivé energie a komunikace na duchovní úrovni. 

Do you love animals? Then this workshop is exactly for you.

Deepen your relationship with your animal companion with the help of healing energy and communication on a spiritual level.


Margrit Coates je světově uznávanou léčitelkou zvířat, která je navíc schopna se zvířaty komunikovat. Pochází z Anglie, ale se svými workshopy jezdí po celém světě. Věří, že každý z nás v sobě má léčitelské schopnosti a ty, co mají zájem, je učí rozvíjet. Je nám velkou ctí, že v roce 2024 již podruhé zavítá i k nám do ČR. 


Margrit Coates is a world-renowned animal healer who is also able to communicate with animals. She comes from England but travels around the world with her workshops. She believes that each of us has healing abilities within us, and she teaches those who are interested in developing these abilities. We are greatly honored that in 2024, she will be visiting us in the Czech Republic for the second time.

Workshop se odehrává v anglickém jazyce a BUDE TLUMOČEN DO ČESKÉHO JAZYKA.

The workshop is conducted in English and will be traslated to Czech. A basic level and ability to understand spoken English language is sufficient. If you can understand the text below and the podcast with Margrit, you won't have any problems. A little help from fellow students is certain. 🙂

Workshop Healing for Animals

 & Communication with Animals

14.-15. 9. 2024

Deepening the bond between you and animals, using healing energy and communicating with them soul to soul.

  • Kdy: 14.-15. 9. 2024, 9-17 hod.
  • Kde: Dvorek, Omice, Jihomoravský kraj
  • Cena: 17 890 Kč (včetně 21 % DPH, cena bez DPH 14 785,12 Kč)


Workshop se bude konat ve Dvorku v Omicích u Brna. 

Ubytování není zahrnuto v ceně kurzu. Je možné přespat v areálu (nabízí pár míst na nocleh, případně stan) nebo v blízkých penzionech. Pokud máte dotazy ohledně možnosti ubytování, směřujte je prosím na Kateřinu Šilberskou (tel: 605593757, mail:

Stravování: v místě bude dronbé občerstvení (svačina), obědy je možné objednat s dovozem z místní restaurace (oběd není v ceně kurzu). Kdo preferuje vlastní oběd, může si ho ohřát v mikrovlnce v kuchyňce. 

Platba za kurz je rozdělena na zálohu (po jejím zaplacení jste oficiálně přihlášeni) a doplatek, který bude splatný v srpnu 2024. Od 27. 7. se kurz již platí celou platbou najednou. 

Počet míst v kurzu je omezen. Pokud je kurz vyprodán, můžete se na e-mailu hlásit jako náhradník. 

  • When: September 14-15, 2024, 9 AM - 5 PM
  • Where: Dvorek, Omice, South Moravian Region, the Czech rep.
  • Price: 17,890 CZK (including 21% VAT, price without VAT is 14,785.12 CZK), can be paid in EUR


 The workshop will take place at Dvorek in Omice near Brno.

Accommodation is not included in the course price. It is possible to stay overnight on the premises (offering a few places for overnight stay, or tent space) or in nearby guesthouses. If you have questions regarding accommodation options, please contact Kateřina Šilberská (phone: 605593757, email:

Meals: Light refreshments (snacks) will be available on-site. Lunches can be ordered for delivery from a local restaurant (lunch is not included in the course price). Those who prefer their own lunch can heat it in the microwave in the kitchenette.

The payment is possible in EUR, switch the currency in the payment form below.

The number of places in the course is limited. If the course is sold out, you can register as a substitute by emailing

Theme day 1: The role of healing energy with animals and how to use it

Learn how healing energy works with animals and the differences between working with humans and different animals. Margrit has developed a comprehensive way of working with animals through decades of extensive experience and many thousands of varied consultations. Margrit’s books ‘Healing for Horses’ and ‘Hands on Healing for Pets’ were the first to be published in the world on the topic. Healing for animals is an important element of the holistic approach to animal welfare and wellbeing.

This will be an inspirational day where you will learn the benefits of using healing energy with animals. Previous experience is not necessary, everyone has the ability to tune into Universal Healing Energy and which is available to all. Discussion of case studies based on Margrit Coates unique and unrivalled experience world-wide helps us understands why healing energy is important.

The day will begin with a background to animal healing and what it is about, then time will be given to the animal chakra system and Margrit’s discovery, and how their chakras play an important role in the healing process. Understanding how we integrate with the veterinary professionals will be explained, because Healing therapy is not a substitute for veterinary care and attention.

We progress to dos and don’ts, when to give healing and for which conditions, and the link to intuitive communication with animals further developed on Day 2.

The difference between animal healing and consultations for people is an important topic that will be covered in depth, also how to work safely with a variety of species including challenging situations.

Energy states in a body, scientific evidence and case studies will be discussed to help our learning. Distant healing for animals is included, and how healing works alongside other specialist animal therapies.  

During both days of this special weekend, participants take part in meditations related to healing and communicating with animals, aimed at elevating our connection to them.  

Animals will join us for practical demonstrations.

Participants can apply to the organiser to bring a well behaved and sociable dog/dogs.

Theme day 2: Communicating with Animals – How to tune into them intuitively

Following on from day 1 we progress to raising consciousness through developing the intuition, encouraging the animals that share their lives with us, to view us as a significant human that they sense can hear their messages.
All species have sixth sense abilities, non-human animals have honed them over millions of years, whilst humans have become somewhat lazy in this respect.

Discover how to deeply open the intuition and tune into all animals, how to help them through challenges such as past mistreatment, illness, sadness or loss, as well as changes in our life.

Discover how to unlock your own potential to tune into what animals around you are really thinking and feeling. Increased awareness enables us to nurture our relationship and how to help them.

Learn about safely blending with animal energies and tuning into animals to receive their powerful Zen messages and insights that they offer, and on many levels.

Why is communicating with animals important?

  • Communication is the best way to move from ignorance to wisdom. It helps us understand them better and leads to a more empathic approach all round. 
  • Communicating with all life leads to a more empathic approach all round. Because each animal is unique our potential for learning from them is limitless
  • Animal communication helps us become more self-aware and therefore develop our potential.
  • Love needs to be unconditional in order for us to be contented. Animals teach us how to love in this way.
  • It matters to the animals, as well as to us.

Margrit teaches with enthusiasm and reaches out to people through visual PowerPoints as well as storytelling about her unrivalled experiences and practical exercise, helping participants to reach their potential.

“Margrit Coates creates a sound path for us, back to what we have know in our hearts all along. “Susan Chernak McElroy author of Animals as teachers and Healers.

What to bring with you

  • writing materials such as notebook and pen,
  • 3 or 4 photos of animals that you know, can include an animal that has passed away.

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